Players Membership Fee 2025


Our 2025 expenses (rent, website, equipment, events) are based on a yearly club membership of $80 per player (January to December).

Only players who have paid the club membership fee can participate in our club activities each week. 

For all players in the O65 league, there is an additional fee per season of $30 for club members and $40 for non-club memebers. Only players who have paid the seasonal fee can be on the roster for the seasons. 


Payment can be made in several ways:


  • Electronic Payment: Pay with Zelle by sending the payment to k.lochner47@gmail.com
  • Check Payment: Checks should be to the order of Karl-Heinz Lochner
  • Cash Payment: Give the exact amount in cash to Karl-Heinz Lochner. You can give a check or cash to one of the activities leaders (Dane Wooldridge, Mike Hagerty, Yasuo Matsuzawa, Orville Watson)