ROSWELL SENIORS SOCCER - Memorial Tournament

An annual tournament is planned, but not yet scheduled.


Dear soccer friends,


In memory of our deceased club soccer players, a memorial tournament will be held each year for our club members 65 years of age and older.


The purpose of the tournament is to bring the senior soccer players of our club together for a fair game and most importantly to enjoy the spirit of our sport. Our deceased club players loved soccer, they loved the community that supported the sport, and they enjoyed the friendships that grew out of it.



Once we know how many members have registered for this tournament, we will decide the number of teams and what formation we will play. The registration deadline will be three weeks before the tournament. The maximum number of participants should not exceed 50. The final decision about how we play the tournament will be made by the committee based on the number of participants.




After the tournament, it is our pleasure to invite you and your significant other to attend the Banquet Saturday evening that will include a dinner buffet, awards ceremony, and a get-together.


General Rules for the Tournament


  • Maximum 50 players should take part in the tournament.
  • Before the tournament two responsible players divide the registered players into equal teams and if necessary, in two different groups.
  • Each team will play minimum two games. The first game of the teams will be drawn, which team plays against which team. The second game will be between the winning teams and between the non-winning teams.
  • There will be a 15-minute break between the two games.
  • Games will have two thirty-minute halves with a five-minute half-time break.
  • The rules of how we play are consistent with our club practices rules.



Each participant must register by e-mail


to Richard Cleaveland: richardcleaveland53@gmail.com


with name, age in 2022, jersey size and how many people will attend the banquet by.

The tournament fee of $30 per player and the $30 per participant for the banquet are payable to Karl-Heinz or Yasuo either after practice or after the ROSWELL SENIOR games by (month and day have not yet been determined). If this is not possible, the amount can also be handed over to Karl-Heinz or Yasuo on the day of the game. Should the tournament be cancelled, the fees will be refunded to each player.

The tournament fee ($30) is used for water, coffee, and a t-shirt with our logo for each player and for the awards for the top scorer and the fairest player(s). The fairest player(s) will be voted by the captains for opposing teams but not their own.




Tournament schedule (preliminary)


Saturday, Month/Day

08:30 Teams Arrive – Warm Up

09:00 Official Opening of the Tournament – Welcome and Introduction

09:15 Memories of our deceased players

09:25 Moment of remembrance

09:45 First game

11:05 Second game

12:10 End of the Tournament

18:00 Banquet

Dinner, awards ceremony, and a get-together at Altobeli's Restaurant & Piano Bar - 3000 Old Alabama Rd Ste 127, Alpharetta.




Together for fairness, respect, and tolerance! 

Karl-Heinz Lochner